给MZeroA 31天飞行员安全挑战 第4天 MZeroA #31DaySPC Day 4 字幕的一些意见
emergency scenario应是“紧急情况”而不是“应急方案”。
for insurance purposes应是“处于保险的考虑”。估计是飞行学校购买的保险中,飞机如果在soft field landing时出了问题,保险公司不给赔偿。
Airstrip为“简易机场”,常常没有铺设路面,只是经过平整的土地或草皮。grass field应该是指草地(grass)机场(filed)。
上文:All right, and really quick, I want to apologize too, for the poor audio in that first intro clip. I didn’t realize how loud the Schappert Farm can be first thing in the morning. It’s a good thing we don’t have any neighbors.
这里的It’s a good thing we don’t have any neighbors应该是说还好农场旁边没有邻居,要不然会吵到人家。
这里的182应该是指Cessna 182,左边这张图是Jason开着Cessna 182进行着陆。Cessna 182的维基百科: | 网页链接
我觉得这里说的是Leeward Air Ranch Show。Leeward Air Ranch网站: | 网页链接
上下文:When you start applying those brakes, you risk putting a little bit of that pressure forward,
and you could catch that nosewheel possibly in a pothole.
上下文:When you start applying those brakes, you risk putting a little bit of that pressure forward,
and you could catch that nosewheel possibly in a pothole. You’re gonna be full back on that yoke, and let that airplane just roll itself on out… if you are able to, if you got the distance to do it. If you’re not, you know, I understand you got to slow that airplane down.
这里说的是要保持操纵杆向后拉,尽量让前轮(鼻轮)少承受压力,让飞机自行滑跑,如果条件允许(if you are able to),能滑多远滑多远直到前轮自动着地(let that airplane just roll itself on out)。如果无法让飞机持续滑跑(if you're not),例如跑道长度有限等原因,则以让飞机减速优先,即可以适当使用刹车。
这里的short final是指起落航线(traffic pattern)的最后进近(final approach)段的末段。参见Traffic pattern layout: | 网页链接
上下文:Soft-field landings, again, are absolute blast, but they need to be practised.
我觉得blast应该是说soft field landings难度很大,所以更要勤加练习。待讨论。
第三次出现blast。上下文:So, soft-field landings are a blast. You need to get out there and practise them. I find a lot of people just haven’t done them. So you need to find a soft field first that allows you to do that.
听写有误,Flyings应做fly-ins,fly-in应该是指以机场为中心的社区,翻译为“飞行社区”应该是正确的,或者叫“航空小镇”什么的。参见维基百科Airpark条目: | 网页链接
有几个地方写错了… 编辑帖子的功能暂时有点问题,等好了我就改。
嘅嘅,一代那个机Cessna 182
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